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Company Profile > Enterprise Spirit

Never lose.
Harmonious enterprise
The development of anything will not be smooth sailing. Looking for a breakthrough in adversity and not giving up the last glimmer of hope is actually the watershed between all successes and failures.
"Never say no" means that in the course of Yonghe's development, we will never yield to defeat, never give up, and will never be intimidated by failure and will not realize our ideals
Swear not to compromise; "Harmony" means living in harmony, coordinating symbiosis, and "enterprising" means taking the initiative to do what should be done. Take "never to lose words, harmony and progress" as corporate essence
God is intended to encourage the masses of people to unite with their colleagues and unite their efforts to create a harmonious enterprise that is fair, just, honest, friendly, full of vitality, and stable and orderly.
For the future of Yonghe dedication of their own wisdom, perseverance, and make great achievements.

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