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News from Dubanglai's factory
Posted time:2018.06.23Promulgator: $info['author']Page view:11705

     On the morning of May 17, 2018, DuPont Group safety person in charge, raw materials procurement manager and other people came to Inner Mongolia Yonghe Park to investigate and investigate. Zhuyongtao, general manager of Chenwenliang, and General Engineer Li Yongjun accompanied them and warmly welcomed them. And several important leaders of DuPont Group were briefed on the progress of the project in the park. The leader of Inner Mongolia Company accompanied him to visit the production quality control process, laboratory process and laboratory equipment of the R152 device in the park. He also visited the safety settings of our safety fire protection facilities and made valuable suggestions. Inner Mongolia leaders to several important leaders to introduce the company's future development direction.
     This is reported.
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